
Let Me Help You Achieve a Refreshingly New and Creative Approach to Life.

Hi, my name is Rex Hillier.

I am a self-development guide, author and speaker. I focus on spiritual growth and self-development for anyone looking for a more meaningful life and in particular people recovering from alcoholism.

I have extensive experience to share in the health, spirituality, addiction and recovery spheres. Some of my talks include:

  • Good cautionary tales for the young
  • Enlightening for family members of alcoholics
  • Provide a new perspective for trainee counsellors
  • Inspirations for alcoholics and addicts in recovery

Book a Speaking Engagement to TalkWithRex

My counselling sessions are beneficial for anyone who is looking for a more fulfilled and joyful life with special reference to recovering alcoholics. Topics include:

  • How to achieve 'Radical Well-being'
  • How my SANE MAP can help you live a more fulfilled life
  • Self-Mastery, self-development, self-healing and self-leadership
  • Assistance with getting sober
  • Your life beyond recovery

FREE, no obligation 30-minute TalkWithRex consultation

I have spent many hours on the Cape Town mountains. Join me for a guided Nature walk & talks to explore not only Nature, but your own self-development. Discussions include:

  • Experiencing silence
  • The concept of 'Radical Well-being'
  • Learning from Nature's example:
  • Self Acceptance
  • Serenity
  • Gratitude

Join a guided Nature walk & TalkWithRex

Key Links On This Site

Moving Beyond Alcohol Recovery

Read more about My Story from alcoholic insanity to recovery and beyond

Review two of the Books I have written and published

Please visit my Blog for podcasts, updates, news and views

Are You a Recovering from Alcoholism?

Would You Like Some Help?

Are you wondering if my services are right for you? Then ask yourself the following questions.

  • Still struggling with alcoholism and addiction?
  • Feeling unfulfilled in your recovery?
  • Battling to get sober?
  • Seeking more joy in your life?
  • Feeling ‘stuck’, or frustrated in your recovery?
  • Feeling your life lacks deeper meaning and purpose?
  • Uncomfortable with some conventional approaches to recovery?
  • Wanting more than your current 12-step program?
  • Feeling demotivated and uninspired?
  • Wanting to be completely free of an ‘alcoholic’, ‘addict’, ‘recovering alcoholic’ identity?
  • Discover and explore your ‘true’, ‘real’ self?
  • Raise your consciousness?
  • Be healthy, happy and fit?
  • Live a deeply meaningful and purposeful life?
  • Be of great benefit to the world in your own unique way?
  • Strive towards living in a state of ‘Radical Well-being’?
  • Live a fulfilling life?

If you answered yes to any of the questions then contact me to discuss my approach and how I can help you.

FREE, no obligation 30-minute TalkWithRex consultation

Let Me Help You...